出版社:Nigde University School of Physical Education and Sports
摘要:Theaim of thisresearch is toexaminetheeffects of folk dancing on theattentionlevels of pre-schoolstudents.Thestudygroupconsists of 33 students in the Emine Çetintürk kindergarten in Niğde provincewith a total age of 5.5 in theeducationyear of 2017-2018. "FrankfurtherAttention Test" wasused as a pre-test and post-test fortheexperimentalgroup. Forthechildrenwhoparticipated in thestudygroup, a total of 12 weeks, 1 day a week, 40+40 minutes folk dancetrainingwasapplied. Theobtaineddatawereanalyzedusing SPSS package program. ThePairedSamples t test wasusedtodeterminewhethertherewas a significantdifferencebetweentheattentionallevels of thestudents in theexperimentgroup. Accordingtotheresearchresult; it wasseenthatthestudents in theexperimentalgroup had a higherlevel of attention in the final test thanthescores in thepre-test. Therefore, it can be saidthattheeffect of the folk danceeducation is toincreasetheattentionlevels of thepre-schoolstudents at 5.5years of age.