其他摘要:The purpose of this study is to investigate the changes in the physical recreation activities during the recent six year span and its problems in a near urban rural communities. We investigated the physical activities in Maebaru-machi in Fukuoka. The field works were carried out both in 1965 and 1971. The main procedures of the survey were the interviewing and the questioning. 1) The physical activities in this town did not appreciably progress in these six years. We thought the causes as follows. 2) The shortage of free time and the uncomfortable living conditions. 3) The diveraification of life systems and the decrease in young population. 4) The increasing ill feeling against the administration which regards the physical activities as mere ceremonies. 5) Thb shortage of facilities and the financial support. 6) The alienation of people who are accustomed to new living styles from the old organizations in sports. 7) The indifference of people towards the improvement in the physical recreation.