其他摘要:The human output power which is required to overcome any external resistance in motion is only a fraction of the rate of the internally produced energy. In pedaling the bicycle ergometre (MONARK), the frictional resistance F (kg), the speed V (m/s), and the oxygen consumption (l/min) were measured. The oxygen consumption (l/min) can be converted by conventional method into the rate of heat energy production (kcal/min) and, furthermore, into the power P (kg・m/s) which produced in human body in motion. In order to eliminate the random errors involved in measurements and to derive an overall tendency from a small number of test data, the investigators set up an empirical formula for P from the whole experimental data, that was, P = P_0 + KFV + (A + BF + CF^2)V^2 in which F, V and P were measured and P_0 , K, A, B and C were calculated by the least square method. The output power is the product of F and V. Therefore, the efficiency ηof power transfer may be deduced as following;η = (FV)/(P_0 + KFV + (A + BF + CF^2)V^2). Although the number of our subjects was only two, the maximum efficiency in pedaling a bicycle ergometre was about 21%.