标题:Review of some Carnivora (Mammalia) from the Thomas Farm local fauna (Hemingfordian, Gilchrist County, Florida). American Museum novitates ; no. 2610
摘要:"Species of the carnivore genera Cynelos (Amphicyonidae), Hemicyon (Ursidae), and Euoplocyon (Canidae) are recognized in the medial Hemingfordian Thomas Farm local fauna. In addition early Mustelinae are indicated by the ramus referred to Miomustela(?) by Olsen. The record of the latter and that of Hemicyon and Euoplocyon represent the earliest occurrences of each taxon in North America; all four records constitute the first recognized occurrence of each in eastern North America. The Thomas Farm Cynelos, Hemicyon and musteline are very closely related to European representatives of these taxa from the early Burdigalian, confirming previous correlations of the Burdigalian age with at least part of the Hemingfordian 'age' "--P. [1].