摘要:The goal of the paper is to analyse the subset of Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) for a comprehensive representation of ontological knowledge defined using the Web Ontology Language OWL 2. SBVR is the OMG metamodel, which separates the representation and meaning of business concepts and business rules, and makes them understandable for business experts as well as for software systems. The SBVR can act as an interface between business participants and semantic technologies, such as OWL 2 that has developed means for describing ontological data and reasoning with them. SBVR provides the richer model for knowledge representation than OWL 2. Though there are a few proposals that have shown that it is possible to transform the significant subset of SBVR concepts into OWL 2 ontology, the suitability of SBVR to represent OWL 2 ontologies has not been studied in detail. The paper addresses the mentioned issue with regards to the transformation from SBVR into OWL 2.
关键词:Ontology; business concepts; business rules; representation; meaning; SBVR; OWL 2