摘要:Thenewembeddingmethodofannotationsintorasterimagesispresentedinthearticle.Themethod combines the principles of watermarking and steganography. Using the method proposed it is possible to attach the information to the raster image and bind it to a specified object or region of the image. The JPEG2000 raster images coding standard is used as base to realize the embedding and extracting scheme of image data. The proposed scheme targeted to mobile environments and evaluate their limits. The article reviewes the existing methods of embedding for metadata and annotations; the principles of information embedding and extracting for JPEG2000 images. The main requirements for annotation scheme are defined. Embedding principles and logical structures are analyzed. These requirements are practically adopted for the new method of annotations embedding into the raster image, evaluating the JPEG2000 requirements. The scheme is tested practically and the results of these experiments are presented.