摘要:The paper deals with the modelling of the physical behaviour of woven structures imitating the textile fabrics. The model is based on a combined approach which presents longitudinal elastic properties of each yarn by a system of non-volumetric structural elements (springs), while the collision search and response algorithm works in a 3D space based on tight-fitting of the yarns by using oriented bounding boxes (OBB). The separation axis theorem (SAT) for collision detection between OBBs is performed. Collision response is performed by applying collision impulses to colliding nodes thus avoiding interpenetrations of the yarns. A simplified approach is applied in order to take into account the deformation of the cross-section of a yarn. It is assumed that the cross-sectional area remains constant all the time while its shape is elliptic with changing lengths of axes. Numerical examples of simulation of tension, warp and shooting-through the fabric are presented.