摘要:Fibromyalgia is a chronic syndrome with no cure. A thorough understanding of the illness experience is therefore key in the palliative care of patients with this condition. In search for supportive treatments fibromyalgia patients often attend a chiropractor or other manual therapist. Knowledge of the meaning and reality of living with this condition to the patient could be considered essential to any health care practitioner playing a role in the management. This study aimed to gain a better understanding of the subjective experience of fibromyalgia, focusing on the personal, occupational and social impact of the condition on patients' lives. This included exploring the patients' views about the future. This study employed descriptive phenomenology and adopted Husserl's concept of transcendental subjectivity or
关键词:Fibromyalgia ; Fibromyalgia Syndrome ; Health Care Practitioner ; Illness Experience ; Phenomenological Study