摘要:Landfilling has been considered as the most common method for solid waste disposal in developing countries which is faced with several issues, such as gas emission. Methane as a greenhouse gas is the main landfill gas which could be applied as a fuel for electrical power plants. In this study, the gas emission of Shiraz landfill site was predicted by using USEPA model, for this purpose, after determination of the solid waste physical composition on Shiraz landfill site, the L0 and k constants were estimated by Monte Carlo method, as well as the rate of gas collection and the rate of electrical power generation capacity were estimated under existing and ideal scenarios. The results showed that gas production would reach its peak up to 5.7×107 m3 year-1 by 2039. The maximum electrical power generation was also similar to the pattern of gas production in the landfill and would be 2545GWh and 4019GWh for the existing and ideal conditions, respectively in 2039. Results showed that the recovery of biogas at Shiraz landfill could be a desirable alternative in different available waste management options for this city.