摘要:Effluents from five major textile industries in Kaduna (Nigeria) were characterized for a proposed central effluent treatment plant. Seven of the measured parameters exceeded the limit set by the Federal Ministry of Environment. Colour intensity exceeded it in all the samples (Mills 1 – 5) by about 350 folds on the average while COD, TSS, NH3, BOD5, and S2- were by 24, 13, 8, 7 and 3 folds respectively. TDS was detected in all samples with limit exceeded only in Mill 2. Nitrate, oil and grease were detected in Mills 1 and 2 and within the limit. Al, Mn, and Zn were detected in 80% and within the limit while Fe was detected in 60 %. Cu was detected in 80 % with limit exceeded about 3 folds on the average. The present study is focused on the pollution implications of these effluents from textile operations in the city; important because of the risk of human exposure to them.