摘要:A computerized English/Spanish correlation index to five biomedical library classification schemes and a computerized English/Spanish, Spanish/English listings of MeSH are described. The index was accomplished by supplying appropriate classification numbers of five classification schemes (National Library of Medicine; Library of Congress; Dewey Decimal; Cunningham; Boston Medical) to MeSH and a Spanish translation of MeSH The data were keypunched, merged on magnetic tape, and sorted in a computer alphabetically by English and Spanish subject headings and sequentially by classification number. Some benefits and uses of the index are: a complete index to classification schemes based on MeSH terms; a tool for conversion of classification numbers when reclassifying collections; a Spanish index and a crude Spanish translation of five classification schemes; a data base for future applications, e.g., automatic classification. Other classification schemes, such as the UDC, and translations of MeSH into other languages can be added.