We prove a new lower bound on the parity decision tree complexity D ( f ) of a Boolean function f . Namely, granularity of the Boolean function f is the smallest k such that all Fourier coefficients of f are integer multiples of 1 2 k . We show that D ( f ) k + 1 .
This lower bound is an improvement of lower bounds through the sparsity of f and through the degree of f over F 2 . Using our lower bound we determine the exact parity decision tree complexity of several important Boolean functions including majority and recursive majority. For majority the complexity is n − B ( n ) + 1 , where B ( n ) is the number of ones in the binary representation of n . For recursive majority the complexity is 2 n +1 . Finally, we provide an example of a function for which our lower bound is not tight.
Our results imply new lower bound of n − B ( n ) on the multiplicative complexity of majority.