出版社:International Association for Computer Information Systems
摘要:Universities are adopting business analytics style approaches to student, faculty, course, and program performancedata in an effort to respond to the needs of internal and external stakeholders. The analytics approach is morecommonly known in higher education as a learning analytics strategy which focuses on leveraging existing enterpriseinformation systems used within the university to provide insights on student learning and predict learner’s behaviorthrough data visualization and analytics techniques. Education Technology (EdTech) companies are now creatingintegrations to simplify some of these analytics processes and make their use more faculty friendly however someuniversities have identified challenges when implementing these strategies. The specific challenges thatgeographically distributed, higher education institutions that rely heavily on adjunct faculty face do not appear wellunderstood in the existing literature. In this research, we determined the perceptions of adjunct faculty in adoptinglearning analytics technologies across a distributed network. It was discovered what while most faculty are readywith the proper training to embrace such a platform, some very real concerns exist in how learning analytics datawould be used by university administration and beyond. The creation of specific acceptable use policies for analyticsdata maybe one solution to addressing those concerns.