In Romania, the timber harvesting is done in accordance with Law. no 46/2008 and Ministerial Order no. 1540/2011, the Volume Estimation Document (VED) being the main official document that is providing relevant information regarding the forest stand that will be harvested. Since 2017, the managers of the public-owned forests are obliged to publish on their websites the VEDs together with the geographic coordinates of the harvesting sites. In 2018, on the website of the National Forest Administration ROMSILVA, 102 VEDs were published in the case of Băile Herculane forest district (Caraş-Severin Forestry Directorate). The main aim of this study was to analyse the information provided by the 102 VEDs as regards the evaluated quantities of the dimensional wood assortments. Data for seventeen species (fifteen autochthonous and two allochthonous) were analyzed, common beech being the main tree species. Out of the total evaluated quantity, more than a half was designated as firewood.