Age and health are the intrinsic characteristics of each individual plant, but depending on the environmental conditions, the entire population will be affected. In the case of injury to the stands containing species of Quercus genus, the symptoms are also manifested by the reduction in height and stand basal area, crown scarring, discoloration of the leaves and an abnormal grouping on the top of the lures, followed shortly by the appearance of epicormic branch. Sustainable management of forests viewed from the perspective of the unconscious economy without maintaining the state of health and good vegetation, obtained through management at the intersection of economic requirements and what can produce biologically and physically a forest ecosystem under certain given conditions. This concept can be expressed by a series of qualitative or quantitative indicators.In the present paper analyses the increase losses, expressed from the perspective of wood biomass accumulations, were determined on the radial section for 5 years period, using the method of couples applied to stands situated in similar conditions of vegetation but with major differences in status health and vegetation. The differences between the situations considered normal and those with declining phenomena show that these losses are between 14 and 22% in the affected stands compared control stands.