出版社:Academy & Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC)
摘要:This paper proposes a network security framework concept, so called the Six-Ware NetworkSecurity Framework (SWNSF). The SWNSF aim is to increase a Local Area Network (LAN)security readiness or awareness in a network security environment. This SWNSF proposal isproposed in order to enhance an organization’s network security environment based on cyberprotect simulation experiences. Strategic thoughts can be implemented during cyber protectsimulation exercise. Brilliant ideas in simulating an network security network environmentbecome good lesson learned. The implementation for proper security strategy could secure anorganization LAN from various threats, attack and vulnerabilities in concrete and abstractlevels. Countermeasure strategy, which is implemented in this simulation exercise is presentedas well. At the end of this paper, an initial network security framework proposal, so called theSix-Ware Network Security Framework has been introduced.