摘要:Background: Diabetes is a stressful condition, which affects identity and psychosocial dimensions in adolescent then they need to be adapted. This study was conducted to investigate the effect of spiritual care on adolescents' adjustment with Type 1 diabetes. Materials and Methods: This randomized controlled clinical trial study was performed on 52 adolescents with Type 1 diabetes mellitus members of Sanandaj Diabetes Association (Sannadaj city, Kurdistan province, Iran), who were selected through convenience sampling and randomly divided into two groups (26 in each group). Spiritual care in the intervention group was performed in group form and daily for 6 sessions. Data were collected using "Baseline Characteristics Questionnaire", and "Lazarus and Folkman Coping Strategies Questionnaire" before and after the intervention and three weeks later. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 19.0. Results: Chi-square test indicated the difference between the groups according to the level of education (p=0.048). Therefore, the effect of this variable was moderated. The mean of overall adjustment score in control group before and after providing intervention in the intervention group and during the follow-up period was 94.92±13.04, 90.12±10.96, and 92.08±13.34, respectively. The mean of overall adjustment scores in the intervention group before and after intervention and during the follow-up period were 104.08±23.35, 112.46±17.09, and 117.35±16.05, respectively; also t-test result showed a significant effect of intervention type (p<0.001). Conclusion The results indicate the positive effect of spiritual care on adolescents' adjustment with Type 1 diabetes after the intervention and three weeks later in intervention group, but the increase of adjustment was not rational reasonable in control group.