摘要:A novel polar angular quadrature set called the Kim-Jevremovic polar angular quadrature set is derived for the method of characteristics. It is based on neutron anisotropic scattering cross-sections in the Evaluated Nuclear Data File. This new set is implemented within the state-of-the-art neutron transport code AGENT and tested in comparison to MCNP6 as well as to other known quadrature sets for the UO2 unit cells, the well-known C5G7 benchmark, unreflected cylinders of uranyl-fluoride solutions in heavy water, and the University of Utah 100 kWth TRIGA MARK-I reactor core. These comparisons show that the newly proposed polar angular quadrature set provides better agreements than other quadrature sets for the lower order of anisotropic scattering expansions. This paper presents a complete derivation of the Kim-Jevremovic polar angular quadrature set and the analysis for the mentioned bench-mark examples.