摘要:Existence of G-quadruplex DNA in vivo always attract widespread interest in the field of biology and biological chemistry. We reported our findings for the existence of G-quadruplex structures in promoter region of oncogenes confirmed by G-quadruplex DNA cross-linking strategy. Probes for selective G-quadruplex cross-linking was designed and synthesized that show high selectivity for G-quadruplex cross-linking. Further biological studies demonstrated its good inhibition activity against murine melanoma cells. To further investigate if G-quadruplex DNA was formed in vivo and as the target, a derivative was synthesized and pull-down process toward chromosome DNAs combined with circular dichroism and high throughput deep sequencing were performed. Several simulated intracellular conditions, including X. laevis oocytes, Ficoll 70 and PEG, was used to investigate the compound's pure cross-linking ability upon preformed G-quadruplex. Thus, as a potent G-quadruplex cross-linking agent, our strategy provided both valuable evidence of G-quadruplex structures in vivo and intense potential in anti-cancer therapy.