摘要:Predicting the contribution of media components to bacterial growth was first initiated by introducing machine learning to high-throughput growth assays. A total of 1336 temporal growth records corresponding to 225 different media, which were composed of 13 chemical components, were generated. The growth rate and saturated density of each growth curve were automatically calculated with the newly developed data processing program. To identify the decision making factors related to growth among the 13 chemicals, big datasets linking the growth parameters to the chemical combinations were subjected to decision tree learning. The results showed that the only carbon source, glucose, determined bacterial growth, but it was not the first priority. Instead, the top decision making chemicals in relation to the growth rate and saturated density were ammonium and ferric ions, respectively. Three chemical components (NH 4 + , Mg 2+ and glucose) commonly appeared in the decision trees of the growth rate and saturated density, but they exhibited different mechanisms. The concentration ranges for fast growth and high density were overlapped for glucose but distinguished for NH 4 + and Mg 2+ . The results suggested that these chemicals were crucial in determining the growth speed and growth maximum in either a universal use or a trade-off manner. This differentiation might reflect the diversity in the resource allocation mechanisms for growth priority depending on the environmental restrictions. This study provides a representative example for clarifying the contribution of the environment to population dynamics through an innovative viewpoint of employing modern data science within traditional microbiology to obtain novel findings.