摘要:Interstitial fibrosis represents a key pathological process in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). In the liver, fibrogenesis is primarily mediated by activated hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) transitioning from a quiescent state in response to a host of stimuli. The molecular mechanism underlying HSC activation is not completely understood. Here we report that there was a simultaneous up-regulation of PIAS4 expression and down-regulation of SIRT1 expression accompanying increased hepatic fibrogenesis in an MCD-diet induced mouse model of NASH. In cultured primary mouse HSCs, stimulation with high glucose activated PIAS4 while at the same time repressed SIRT1. Over-expression of PIAS4 directly repressed SIRT1 promoter activity. In contrast, depletion of PIAS4 restored SIRT1 expression in HSCs treated with high glucose. Estrogen, a known NASH-protective hormone, antagonized HSC activation by targeting PIAS4. Lentivirus-mediated delivery of short hairpin RNA (shRNA) targeting PIAS4 in mice ameliorated MCD diet induced liver fibrosis by normalizing SIRT1 expression in vivo. PIAS4 promoted HSC activation in a SIRT1-dependent manner in vitro. Mechanistically, PIAS4 mediated SIRT1 repression led to SMAD3 hyperacetylation and enhanced SMAD3 binding to fibrogenic gene promoters. Taken together, our data suggest SIRT1 trans-repression by PIAS4 plays an important role in HSC activation and liver fibrosis.