摘要:The physiological, biochemical and functional differences between oxidative and glycolytic muscles play important roles in human metabolic health and in animal meat quality. To explore these differences, we determined the genome-wide landscape of DNA methylomes and their relationship with the mRNA and miRNA transcriptomes of the oxidative muscle psoas major (PMM) and the glycolytic muscle longissimus dorsi (LDM). We observed the hypo-methylation of sub-telomeric regions. A high mitochondrial content contributed to fast replicative senescence in PMM. The differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in promoters (478) and gene bodies (5,718) were mainly enriched in GTPase regulator activity and signaling cascade-mediated pathways. Integration analysis revealed that the methylation status within gene promoters (or gene bodies) and miRNA promoters was negatively correlated with mRNA and miRNA expression, respectively. Numerous genes were closely related to distinct phenotypic traits between LDM and PMM. For example, the hyper-methylation and down-regulation of HK-2 and PFKFB4 were related to decrease glycolytic potential in PMM. In addition, promoter hypo-methylation and the up-regulation of miR-378 silenced the expression of the target genes and promoted capillary biosynthesis in PMM. Together, these results improve understanding of muscle metabolism and development from genomic and epigenetic perspectives.