摘要:The Archaeorhizomycetes are recently discovered fungi with poorly resolved ecology. Even their abundance in soil fungal communities is currently disputed. Here we applied a PCR-independent, RNA-based metatranscriptomic approach to determine their abundance among fungi in eleven different soils across Europe. Using small subunit (SSU) ribosomal RNA transcripts as marker, we detected Archaeorhizomycetes in 17 out of 28 soil metatranscriptomes. They had average relative SSU rRNA abundance of 2.0% with a maximum of 9.4% among fungal SSU rRNAs. Network analysis revealed that they co-occur with arbuscular mycorrhizal Glomerales, which is in line with their previously suggested association with plant roots. Moreover, Archaeorhizomycetes ranked among the potential keystone taxa. This metatranscriptomic survey exemplifies the usage of non-targeted molecular approaches for the study of soil fungi. It provides PCR- and DNA-independent evidence for the low abundance of Archaeorhizomycetes in soil fungal communities, although they might be non-negligible players despite their low abundance.