摘要:Low-cost TiB whiskers reinforced titanium matrix composite (TMCs) was fabricated with enhanced mechanical performances using in situ technologies and hot working. Morphologies observation indicates that needle-like TiB whiskers with a hexagonal transverse section grow along the [010] direction due to B27 crystal structure and its growth mechanism. Mechanical properties tests show that the mechanical behavior of the TiB whiskers reinforced TMCs is dependent on the deformation amplitudes applied in hot-working. The improvement in yield strength by hot-working is attributed to the TiB whiskers realignment and the refinement of microstructure. Models are constructed to evaluate the realignment of TiB whisker during deformation and the increase in yield strength of the composite at elevated temperatures. These models clarify the alignment effect of TiB whiskers under various deformation amplitudes applied in hot-workings and reveals the yield strength dependence on TiB whiskers orientation.