摘要:Pure graphene is known as the strongest material ever discovered. However, the unavoidable defect formation in the fabrication process renders the strength of defective graphene much lower (~14%) than that of its perfect counterpart. By means of density functional theory computations, we systematically explored the effect of gas molecules (H2, N2, NH3, CO, CO2 and O2) adsorption on the mechanical strength of perfect/defective graphene. The NH3 molecule is found to play a dominant role in enhancing the strength of defective graphene by up to ~15.6%, while other gas molecules decrease the strength of graphene with varying degrees. The remarkable strength enhancement can be interpreted by the decomposition of NH3, which saturates the dangling bond and leads to charge redistribution at the defect site. The present work provides basic information for the mechanical failure of gas-adsorbed graphene and guidance for manufacturing graphene-based electromechanical devices.