摘要:A crystal superlattice structure featuring nonlinear layers with alternating orthogonal optic axes interleaved with orthogonal poling directions, is shown to generate high-quality hyperentangled photon pairs via orthogonal quasi-phase-matched spontaneous parametric downconversion. We demonstrate that orthogonal quasi-phase matching (QPM) processes in a single nonlinear domain structure correct phase and group-velocity mismatches concurrently. Compared with the conventional two-orthogonal-crystals source and the double-nonlinearity single-crystal source, the orthogonal QPM superlattice is shown to suppress the spatial and temporal distinguishability of the generated photon pairs by several orders of magnitude, depending on the number of layers. This enhanced all-over-the-cone indistinguishability enables the generation of higher fluxes of photon-pairs by means of the combined use of (a) long nonlinear crystal in noncollinear geometry, (b) low coherence-time pumping and ultra-wide-band spectral detection, and (c) focused pumping and over-the-cone detection. While each of these three features is challenging by itself, it is remarkable that the orthogonal QPM superlattice meets all of these challenges without the need for separate spatial or temporal compensation.