摘要:Diffusion functional magnetic resonance imaging (DfMRI) has been proposed as a method for functional neuroimaging studies, as an alternative to blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD)-fMRI. DfMRI is thought to more directly reflect neural activation, but its exact mechanism remains unclear. It has been hypothesized that the water apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) decrease observed upon neural activation results from swelling of neurons or neuron parts. To elucidate the origin of the DfMRI response at cellular level we performed diffusion MR microscopy at 17.2 T in Aplysia californica buccal ganglia and compared the water ADCs at cellular and ganglia levels before and after neuronal activation induced by perfusion with a solution containing dopamine. Neural cell swelling, evidenced from optical microscopy imaging, resulted in an intracellular ADC increase and an ADC decrease at ganglia level. Furthermore, the intracellular ADC increase was found to have a significant positive correlation with the increase in cell size. Our results strongly support the hypothesis that the ADC decrease observed with DfMRI upon neuronal activation at tissue level reflects activation-induced neural cell swelling.