摘要:The thermoelectric conversion efficiency of a material relies on a dimensionless parameter (ZT = S (2) σT/κ). It is a great challenge in enhancing the ZT value basically due to that the related transport factors of most of the bulk materials are inter-conditioned to each other, making it very difficult to simultaneously optimize these parameters. In this report, the negative correlation between power factor and thermal conductivity of nano-scaled SnS2 multilayers is predicted by high-level first-principle computations combined with Boltzmann transport theory. By diminishing the thickness of SnS2 nanosheet to about 3 L, the S and σ along a direction simultaneously increase whereas κ decreases, achieving a high ZT value of 1.87 at 800 K. The microscopic mechanisms for this unusual negative correlation in nano-scaled two dimensional (2D) material are elucidated and attributed to the quantum confinement effect. The results may open a way to explore the high ZT thermoelectric nano-devices for the practical thermoelectric applications.