摘要:The effects of epicutaneous allergen administration on systemic immune responses in allergic and non-allergic individuals has not been investigated with defined allergen molecules. We studied the effects of epicutaneous administration of rBet v 1 and rBet v 1 fragments on systemic immune responses in allergic and non-allergic subjects. We conducted a clinical trial in which rBet v 1 and two hypoallergenic rBet v 1 fragments were applied epicutaneously by atopy patch testing (APT) to 15 birch pollen (bp) allergic patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, 5 bp-allergic patients suffering from rhinoconjunctivitis only, 5 patients with respiratory allergy without bp allergy and 5 non-allergic individuals. Epicutaneous administration of rBet v 1 and rBet v 1 fragments led to strong and significant increases of allergen-specific T cell proliferation (CLA+ and CCR4+T cell responses) only in bp-allergic patients with a positive APT reaction. There were no relevant changes of Bet v 1-specific IgE and IgG responses. No changes were noted in allergic subjects without bp allergy and in non-allergic subjects. Epicutaneous allergen application boosts specific T cell but not antibody responses mainly in allergic, APT-positive patients suggesting IgE-facilitated allergen presentation as mechanism for its effects on systemic allergen-specific immune responses.