摘要:Somatic embryogenesis receptor kinases (SERKs) belong to a small gene family of receptor-like kinases involved in signal transduction. A total of 54 genes were shortlisted from the wheat genome survey sequence of which 5 were classified as SERKs and 49 were identified as SERK-like (SERLs). Tissue- specific expression of TaSERKs at major developmental stages of wheat corroborates their indispensable role during somatic and zygotic embryogenesis. TaSERK transcripts show inherent differences in their hormonal sensitivities, i.e. TaSERK2 and TaSERK3 elicits auxin- specific responses while TaSERK1, 4 and 5 were more specific towards BR-mediated regulation. The ectopic expression of TaSERK1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 in Arabidopsis led to enhanced plant height, larger silique size and increased seed yield. Zygotic embryogenesis specific genes showed a differential pattern in TaSERK Arabidopsis transgenics specifically in the silique tissues. Elongated hypocotyls and enhanced root growth were observed in the overexpression transgenic lines of all five TaSERKs. The inhibitory action of auxin and brassinosteroid in all the TaSERK transgenic lines indicates their role in regulating root development. The results obtained imply redundant functions of TaSERKs in maintaining plant growth and development.