摘要:Real-time temperature imaging with high spatial resolution has been a challenging task but also one with wide potential applications. To achieve this task, temperature sensor is critical. Fluorescent materials stand out to be promising candidates due to their quick response and strong temperature dependence. However, former reported temperature imaging techniques with fluorescent materials are mainly based on point by point scanning, which cannot fulfill the requirement of real-time monitoring. Based on fluorescent intensity ratio (FIR) of two emission bands of SrB4O7:Sm(2+), whose spatial distributions were simultaneously recorded by two cameras with special filters separately, real-time temperature imaging with high spatial resolution has been realized with low cost. The temperature resolution can reach about 2 °C in the temperature range from 120 to 280 °C; the spatial resolution is about 2.4 μm and the imaging time is as fast as one second. Adopting this system, we observed the dynamic change of a micro-scale thermal distribution on a printed circuit board (PCB). Different applications and better performance could also be achieved on this system with appropriate fluorescent materials and high sensitive CCD detectors according to the experimental environment.