摘要:Mature dendritic cells (DCs) home to secondary lymphoid organs through CC chemokine receptor 7 (CCR7). Exosomes derived from DCs (DC-exos) are reported to migrate to spleen and induce inflammation in vivo. In this study, we demonstrated that mature bone marrow DC-exos can activate immature DC and T cells in vitro. Then we intravenously injected DC-exos into C57BL/6 mice, observing that mature DC-exos accumulated more in spleen than immature DC-exos. These DC-exos in spleen could be uptaken by splenetic DCs and T cells and induce an inflammatory response. We further showed that the increased accumulation of mature DC-exos in spleen was regulated by CCR7, whose reduction led to a decrease of accumulation in spleen and attenuated inflammatory response in serum. These data provide us a new perspective to comprehensively understand exosomes, which might inherit some special functions from their parent cells and exert these functions in vivo.