摘要:The technologies cloud computing (CC) and artificial intelligence (AI) are very much on business horizon as smart transformation technologies for companies to be smarter once, so as to render their services in a smart way to their customer, meaning promptly, efficiently and economically that best satisfy the customers. This study is a study of the application of CC, and AI in the leading telecom MGA-MENA Company in the middle-east. The result of the application of the twin-technologies of cloud computing and artificial intelligence is the increase in operational services, product efficiencies and better products and more customer satisfying services of a Smart MGA-MENA Company. The conclusion that follows is that the big telecom enterprises like MGA-MENA with a large customer base and every minute umpteen transactions, cloud computing and artificial intelligence is a new and advanced business opportunity. So, it is suggested that telecoms need to be technologically dynamic and updated.
关键词:Technology;Telecom Industry;Cloud Computing and Artificial Intelligence