摘要:Previous research has showed that peers without task experience provided KR as effectively as performers who self-controlled their own KR schedule (McRae, Patterson, & Hansen, 2015). In the present experiment, a group of participants first practiced a motor task while self-controlling their KR during a defined acquisition period. Twenty-four hours after their last retention trial, these participants with motor experience then provided KR to a learner during their skill acquisition. Participants were required to learn a serial-timing task with a goal of 2500ms. Participants completed a defined acquisition period and then returned 24-hours later for a retention test. In retention, learners who received KR from experienced peers were predicted to outperform learners who received KR from inexperienced peers. The results showed that performers learned the task similarly, independent of the peer’s previous task experience. However, the peer groups differed in their frequency of providing KR to the learner and showed a discrepancy between their self-reported KR provision strategy and when they actually provided KR. The results have theoretical implications for understanding the impact of self-control in motor learning contexts.
关键词:Self-controlled practice; motor leaning ; Feedback; Practice; Cognition