摘要:Determine the level of knowledge and awareness of health professionals, medical students and parents concerning possible risks associated with ionizing radiation in pediatric population. A cross-sectional study has been conducted in two healthcare institutions and Faculty of Medicine, by filling out two anonymous questionnaires (questionnaire 1 – medical staff and medical students, questionnaire 2 – parents of the children). It included 254 respondents. The majority of examinees assessed their knowledge about ionizing radiation as moderate. Less than half clinicians, both specialists and residents, were informed about Image gently campaign. Over 60 % of doctors assessed that diagnostic radiology procedures arIemoafgteengepnetrlyformed unnecessarily in children. Even though 60-80 % of clinicians claimed they do inform parents in everyday clinical practice, however over 70 % of parents affirmed that they had never been informed about effects of ionizing radiation before diagnostic procedures. Between 50 % and 85 % of pediatricians and pediatric surgeons greatly underestimated the effective doses in computed tomography and fluoroscopy procedures. There were 58-100 % of clinicians who were aware that computed tomography increases the risk of carcinoma development. General knowledge of medical staff, medical students, and parents about ionizing radiation and potential risks in pediatric population is poor. Therefore, organized education is required.
关键词:ionizing radiation; pediatrics; questionnaire; medical staff; parent; Serbia