摘要:"Background: Disaster relief and assistance are mainly carried out by medical rescue teams, which are constituted of health professionals. The study was conducted to assess effect of training methods to create awareness and impart training re-garding disaster management among medical student. Methods: An intervention study was under-taken, interviewing 150 medical students. Intervention was done using lecture, posters and vid-eos on disaster simulation drills. Evaluation was conducted using the same questionnaire following the intervention. The pre- and post-test evaluation were compared and analyzed. Results: The study showed lower levels of knowledge on disaster management. Following the inter-vention there was a significant rise in the knowledge levels. The de-mand survey revealed the students’ willingness to learn more about the disasters and fill their gaps in knowledge. Conclusion: Traditional clinical-oriented medical education might lead to a huge gap between the knowledge level on disaster medi-cine and the current needs of disas-ter preparedness. Continuing medi-cal education plans on disaster medicine via media should be prac-tice-oriented, and take the knowledge levels and training needs into consideration.
关键词:Disaster management; Medical stu-dents; Costal area; Intervention study; Demand survey