期刊名称:Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology
出版社:Sciencedomain International
摘要:The study was conducted in Central Brahmaputra Valley and Upper Brahmaputra Valley Zone of Assam in India. The present study is an attempt to study the effect of mechanization on income and limiting factors of farm mechanization of the sample farms. Primary data of 240 sample farms by personal interview schedule method was used for examining the effect of farm mechanization on income along with limiting factors for mechanization adoption . All data collected from sample farms pertains to the year 2014-15. Tabular, per cent analysis were done and results obtained from these analysis were summarized to examine the impact of farm mechanization on income . In case of Tractor Ownership Farm, Tractor Hired Farm, Power Tiller Ownership Farm, Power Tiller Hired Farm and Bullock Operated Farm gross return per cropped hectare were Rs.62916.24, Rs. 61370.31, Rs.62408.87, Rs. 56783.89 and Rs.34425.58, respectively. Family labour income and net income also had inverse relationship with farm size in each categories of mechanized and Bullock Operated Farm and exception in case of under Group III under Tractor Hired Farm. Family labour income and net income relative proportion of each mechanized farm was higher over Bullock Operated Farm. Net return were observed to be Rs. 33898.17, Rs.377.76, Rs. 33606.45, Rs.27831.05 and Rs. (-)12075.51 in Tractor Ownership Farm, Tractor Hired Farm, Power Tiller Ownership Farm, Power Tiller Hired Farm and Bullock Operated Farms, respectively. Family labour income and net income also had inverse relationship with farm size in each categories of mechanized and Bullock Operated Farm and exception in case of under Group III under Tractor Hired Farm. Family labour income and net income relative proportion of each mechanized farm was higher over Bullock Operated Farm. Hence it was observed that there was positive impact of farm mechanization on income. In case of Tractor Hired Farm net income was higher than Tractor Ownership Farm. Small and scattered land holding and inadequate sufficient funds to meet the initial cost of purchasing were the most serious problem faced by the farmers in the study area as out of total household 170 and 169 numbers of farmers found it most serious in case of small and scattered land holding and high initial cost to purchase the machineries respectively So, hence effort should be given to make available of the tractors amongst the farmers in the study area through establishment of Farm Machinery Banks for custom hiring along with development financing of second hand tractors for small farmers having operational holding less than 2 hectares should been given to make economical use machineries amongst the small farmers in the study area.
关键词:Mechanized;non mechanized;family labour income;net income.