摘要:The present investigation entitled “Study of phenology of ornamental flora of Gulmarg and its neighbourhood for landscape use” conducted during the years 2008-2010 in Gulmarg area of Kashmir valley. For this purpose four representative zones including zone A. ferozpur (1880 m.asl) and Tangmarg (2153 m.asl), zone B. Drang. (2218 m.asl) zone C. Doobi ghat (2218 m.asl), Gulmarg (2688 m.asl) and Baba reshi (2703 m.asl) and zone D. khelanmarg (3041 m.asl) were selected and recorded observations on flower emergence by making exploratory trips to these sites. Phonological spectrum of the flora of deciduous trees and shrubs, broad leaf evergreen trees and shrubs, deciduous woody vines, ground covers and evergreen ground cover shrubs revealed maximum availability of flowers during spring followed by summer and autumn.