摘要:The Writing on Demand Unit is an important part of the College, Career, and Community Writers Program. In this article, we review the literature on C3WP; contextualize the writing on demand unit in relation to the other instructional resources in C3WP; explore five big ideas about writing on demand; and describe an approach to teaching this unit that includes some preliminary results of teaching this unit in a rural, Native American high school. The five big ideas that inform its use are the following: 1) emotions matter, 2) everyone does it, so provide reasons for writing on demand, 3) time is important, 4) reading on demand is a part of writing on demand, and 5) transfer is key. Furthermore, we believe that this unit can potentially improve access and equity in education and that C3WP provides a foundation for the Framework for Success in Postsecondary Education.
关键词:writing on demand; social justice; C3WP; Native American pedagogy; Framework for Success; writing assessment