摘要:The aim of this research is to determine the relationship between the elementary, middle and high school teachers’ personal empowerment perception and passion for working. During the research, opinions of 890 teachers’ chosen from different schools and branches with random sampling technique were collected from those working in Malatya province in the 2016-2017 academic year. As a data collection tool, “Personal Empowerment Scale” and “The Measurement of Engagement” were used. The results of the analyses revealed that the average of the Personal Empowerment scale extent ranges around “frequently”. The perception level of the participants related to personal empowerment scale was in the range of “high”. All the averages related to the measurement of engagement were in the range of “frequently”. It was observed that participants evaluated their level related to the measurement of engagement in high ebb. When the values related to gender variable points to personal empowerment scale’s “choice” extent, it suggested that average values related to the perceptions of male teachers are higher than that of the female teachers. It was seen that “effect” behaviors of teachers predicts “vigor” meaningfully. Further, that “content” behaviors of teachers predicts “absorption” meaningfully.
关键词:Personal empowerment; passion for working; teachers