摘要:This article proposes to discuss the trade marketing practices from the point of view of the resource theory from the perspective of the retailer in the segment of durable consumer goods, with the automotive sector being the object of analysis. In order to do so, it used as reference the model of the mix trade marketing proposed by Alvarez (2008), being composed by the variables: (1) sales and channels, (2) price, (3) advertising, promotion and merchandising, product mix, (5) services and logistics, (6) results and profitability. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach to the data collected. The multi-case method was used, these being three car dealerships. As results it was possible to identify that the practices of trade marketing contribute to the generation of competitive advantage by the internal synergy able to combine capacities and competences and to generate specific resources, as people and physical attribute of the fine.
关键词:Trade Marketing;Sector automotriz;Minorista;Bienes de consumo durables;Trade Marketing;Setor automobilístico;Varejista;Bens de consumo duráveis