摘要:Straipsnyje įvertintas lietuvių „Vaikų nuostatos dėl integruotos kūno kultūros“ (angl. Children‘s Attitudes Towards Integrated Physical Education – Rivised; CAIPE-R), kaip instrumento, validumas ir patikimumas. Tyrimo imtis – 14-os bendrojo ugdymo mokyklų 5–8 klasių 1204 mokiniai. Tyrimo tikslas – įvertinti CAIPE-LT instrumento validumą ir patikimumą. Atliktos tiriamoji ir patvirtinamoji faktorinės analizės atskleidė, kad CAIPE-LT instrumentą sudarantis dviejų faktorių struktūrinis modelis yra tinkamas duomenims analizuoti. CAIPE-LT priemonė (α=0,87; test-retest r=0,81) ir ją sudarančios subskalės („Bendros nuostatos“ α=0,86, test-retest r=0,79; „Nuostatos dėl žaidimo taisyklių keitimo“ α=0,71, test-retest r=0,77) yra patikimos ir stabilios. Remiantis gautais rezultatais daroma išvada, kad CAIPE-LT yra patikima ir validi priemonė, kuria galima atlikti išsamius tyrimus.
其他摘要:The purpose of this study was to investigate the validity and reliability of the Children’s Attitudes Towards Integrated Physical Education – Revised (CAIPE-R), using a sample of the Lithuanian comprehensive school students. In the course of the survey, 1204 students from 5th- 8th grades from 14 comprehensive education schools were surveyed. During this study the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis showedthat CAIPE-LT instrument, which structural model consists of two factors, is suitable to analyse data. The CAIPE-LT instrument (α = 0.87; test-retest r = 0.81) and this instrument’s subscales (“General attitude” α = 0.86, test-retest r = 0.79; “Sport modification” α = 0.71, test-retest r = 0.77 ) are reliable. Based on the results we approveconfirm that CAIPE-LT is a valid and reliable instrument. And this instrument is suitable to carry outa comprehensive study, which would reveal the attitudes of the Lithuanian comprehensive school students towards the inclusion of peers with physical disabilities into physical education classes.