摘要:Efektifitas pelatihan dapat dinilai melalui evaluasi pasca pelatihan dengan menilai
perilaku dan kompetensi hasil pelatihan. Rumah Sakit X dalam menilai efektifitas
pelatihan didapatkan gap kecenderungan evaluator saat mengevaluasi alumni peserta
latih memberikan nilai yang sama. Tingkat kesamaan dalam pemberian nilai kepada
alumni peserta latih sebesar 85,53%. Hal tersebut berdampak bias terhadap hasil
evaluasi efektifitas pelatihan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan
menganalisis faktor penyebab utama, serta mencari alternatif solusi terhadap gap yang
terjadi. Metode penelitian secara deskriptif dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara
dan telaah dokumen, terhadap proses pelaksanaan dan hasil evaluasi efektifitas
pelatihan. Ditindaklanjuti dengan melakukan focus group discussion untuk
mengidentifikasi masalah. Beberapa masalah yang didapat diprioritaskan menggunakan
metode USG (urgency seriouseness and growth). Hasil prioritas masalah dicari
penyebab akar masalahnya menggunakan diagram fishbone. Penyebab utamanya adalah belum adanya sistem dalam melakukan evaluasi pasca pelatihan. Penentuan Solusi
menggunakan metode CARL (capability accesability readiness leverage) yaitu
membuat pedoman evaluasi pasca pelatihan. Mengatur tentang: kriteria evaluator, tugas
dan tanggung jawab evaluator, indikator evaluasi pasca pelatihan, instrumen evaluasi
pasca pelatihan, pelaporan hasil dan rekomendasi evaluasi pasca pelatihan.
其他摘要:The effectiveness of the training will be able to be assessed through post training evaluation by assessing the behavior and competency the outcomes of the training. In X Hospital, in assessing the effectiveness of the training was found that the evaluator's tendency when evaluating the trainee alumni to give the same value to almost all participants who was being evaluated.The level of similarity in the value of trainees' alumni amounted to 85,53%, it has a biased impact on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the training.This study aims to determine and analyze the main causal factors, as well as looking for the alternative solutions to the gap occurred. The research method is descriptive by doing observation, interviews and documents review of the implementation process and evaluation results of the effectiveness of the training. Followed up by focus group discussions to identify the problem. Some problems are found prioritized using USG (urgency seriouseness and growth) method. Result of priority problem search for based on the results of identification of the root cause of the problem by using the fishbone diagram. The main cause is there is not of the system in conducting post training evaluation yet. The solutions using the CARL (capability accesability readiness leverage) method, by making the recommendations of graduate training, in which compose about: criteria evaluator, task and responsibility of the evaluator, post-training evaluation indicators.