期刊名称:JPPPF: Jurnal Penelitian & Pengembangan Pendidikan Fisika
出版社:Universitas Negeri Jakarta
摘要:This study aims to develop an Android app to support learning activities consisting of mobile
applications and web server applications. Mobile applications have two applications: teacher
apps and student applications, while teachers and administrators use web server applications.
Mobile apps run on Android smartphones, while web server applications are in Chrome web
browsers. In mobile applications, students can view material with pictures and videos, do
online tests, perform tasks, view simulations, view announcements in the form of updates
made by teachers, and see recap test scores, assignments, exams, and final score in a chapter.
In a mobile application, the teacher can see how many times students access the material, view
the student's time notice in performing tests and tasks, view the test scores, duties, exams and
the final grade of each student who is registered on the web server. Administrator applications
on the web server focus more on managing the data that will changes. This application can run
on Android operating system Jelly Bean and above. The development used refers to the
ADDIE model with the following stages: 1) Analysis, 2) Design (design), 3) Development
(development), and 4) Evaluation (evaluation/feedback). The developed media has been
validated by subject experts, media experts and high school physics teachers with average
percentage of all aspects of subject experts is 85.50%, media experts 85.20% and physics
teachers 90%, based on these results show that mobile learning android platform based on web
service proper to use as a media of physics learning.
其他摘要:This research aimed to determine the effectiveness of STEM learning approaches to self efficacy and student learning outcomes in Newton Law material. The design of this research is Quasi-Experiment with One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. The data obtained in this study are self efficacy data and student learning outcomes. Self efficacy result data was obtained through self efficacy scale is given before and after learning using STEM approach. While the data of student learning outcomes obtained through the question of the form of plural choices and essays given to students before and after learning using the STEM approach. Based on the research above, the average value of N-gain in self efficacy and students’ learning outcomes before and after being taught through learning using STEM approach. The average gain of n-gain in self efficacy and students' learning outcomes have increased with moderate category The result showed that STEM learning approach was effective to improve self efficacy and student’s learning outcomes.