摘要:This article recovers the experience of dialogues on the literacy of adults and elders in the state of Paraná. This experience was part of a seminar held by the Secretary of Education of the State of Paraná for literacy teachers, literacy students and indigenous and quilombola leaders, and took place in Faxinal do Céu in 2008. With the advancement of educational policies for quilombos in all levels, from basic education to higher education, it is believed that recovering the memory of this education process that is little reflected - adult and elderly literacy - becomes important as a memory and projection of the future about how quilombola populations , to some extent, have been subjects of their struggle for schooling for a long time. It is also considered that the social and political conjunctures are now favorable and sometimes unfavorable. In this sense, the registration of the built is a powerful instrument of claiming rights not fully achieved, mainly, education and schooling processes with other ethno-racial, generational, historical and cultural nuances..