摘要:The purpose of this study is to improve students' creative thinking skills in solving social problems proposed to them. The research design takes the form of a cycle starting from initial reflection → planning → action and observation → evaluation and reflection. If the indicator of success has not been achieved in cycle one, the researcher will conduct the second cycle with the same stage. After the data is collected the researcher will analyze the data, the technique used is descriptive quantitative data analysis techniques, namely analysis techniques by presenting data in the form of numbers or percentages to then be described. The first step of the analysis is to make a "suitable list of conformities" between the problems proposed and the answers to the research subjects. This step is to simplify the recapitulation of the answers of the research subjects between the wrong answers and the correct answers. In the list of matches, it has also been shown the category of types of creative thinking that might be given by the research subject. The second step is to calculate the answers of respondents then classified and entered into categories so that the information is more concise and detailed. In this activity, the researcher conducted a tabulation , namely the use of tables so that the data presented were more practical and easily understood besides being more systematic and directed. Third analyzing data means that the answers of respondents are related, aligned, and compared between one another and then described . The results showed that there was an increase in students' creative thinking skills because of the fairy tale activities carried out by researchers and there were positive responses from students to fairy-tale activities/activities carried out by researchers. The results will be disseminated at the research seminar and publish it to an accredited journal. The results seminar is expected to be a place for discussion for researchers, education practitioners, parents of students, especially teachers at the Muhammadiyah Manyar (SDMM) Gresik Elementary School. While publication of research results is expected to be able to enrich the literature of research results, especially those relating to fairy tales and students' creative thinking skills in solving social problems.