摘要:This article analyzes the inequality in the infrastructure of Minas Gerais’ basic education schools. The source used was the Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira (Inep) School Census database, 2016. A preliminary survey of the infrastructure measurement methodologies presented in the Brazilian educational literature was carried out, marking the limits and possibilities of the different metrics. The option for a continuous numerical scale that was calibrated to better fit the purposes of this study. This research has as a result the verification of the permanence of the infrastructural precariousness of the Minas Gerais schools, which present conditions for the provision of school basic education in relation to the attendance of public services, facilities and dependencies, and equipment for didactic- pedagogical use. This precariousness manifests itself most clearly in the poorest areas of the state, reproducing inequalities and imposing itself as an obstacle to the educational offer with greater equity.
关键词:Infraestrutura escolar;Desigualdades educacionais;Políticas públicas de educação;Justiça Social