摘要:Objectives. To compare donations to individual politicians from physician organization political action committees (PACs) and from the National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA PVF) in 2018. Methods. We identified 7 organizations with published firearm injury prevention policy. We determined the difference in funds received from physician organization PACs and the NRA PVF for each congressmember. We examined their voting records on firearm-related legislation. Results. A total of 141 congressmembers received funds from both physician organization PACs and the NRA PVF. Of these, 99.3% voted for legislation not consistent with organization recommendations. The majority (70.2%) received more funds from the combined physician organization PACs than from the NRA PVF. Conclusions. Physician organization PACs have a financial impact on NRA-backed congressmembers. They currently contribute to politicians with voting records inconsistent with their own policy recommendations. Firearm violence prevention does not currently outweigh other legislative priorities for physician organization PAC contributions..