摘要:For a set D of documents and a positive integer d, a string w is said to be d-left-right maximal, if (1) w occurs in at least d documents in D, and (2) any proper superstring of w occurs in less than d documents. The left-right-maximal generic words problem is, given a set D of documents, to preprocess D so that for any string p and for any positive integer d, all the superstrings of p that are d-left-right maximal can be answered quickly. In this paper, we present an O(n log m) space data structure (in words) which answers queries in O( p + o log log m) time, where n is the total length of documents in D, m is the number of documents in D and o is the number of outputs. Our solution improves the previous one by Nishimoto et al. (PSC 2015), which uses an O(n log n) space data structure answering queries in O( p + r * log n + o * log^2 n) time, where r is the number of right-extensions q of p occurring in at least d documents such that any proper right extension of q occurs in less than d documents.