摘要:The objectivist nature of lecture-based teaching is often perceived to be unsuitable for encouraging deep learning and the acquisition of contextualised transferable skills in the field of Information Systems. On the other hand, collaborative and active e-learning and online learning are seen to be an approach capable of fostering these highly desirable outcomes from the learning process. This position paper proposes academic learning in Information Systems as a process of constructing knowledge and the development of reflexive awareness, where the individual is an active processor of information. Learning should occur through interaction with rich learning environments, and result from engaging in authentic activities, and social interaction and negotiation. Therefore, essentially this can be seen as a constructivist process. This of course, is an alternative approach to traditional university teaching insofar as learning and knowledge acquisition is facilitated rather than taught. In consequence, learning in online constructivist environments needs appropriate and specific support and this requires a number of specific skills from both tutor and learners, that is, online tutor skills, online learning skills and specifically designed online learning facilities. This paper discusses these skills in the context of the constructivist approach.